Everyone who has been going to the gym for any period time has asked themselves this question during the middle of their workout; what do I do?  We all reach that point where we are either bored, tired, or looking for something new to help us reach that new goal.  This can be especially true when strength training with machines and free weights.  If you are a beginning gym goer than there is of course no better way to answer this question than with the advice of a personal trainer.  If, however, you are somewhat experienced in the gym, and in weightlifting, then I have found this great guide that breaks down the science of weightlifting and muscle growth, as well as how proper exercise choice can boost the productivity and results that you see here in the gym.  The article which can be found here, is called “The Science of Training: 7 Principles of Exercise Selection” by Menno Henselmans.  The article comes from a great sight called SimplyShredded.com.  Simply Shredded is a great resource for training materials as well as advice on various training techniques, supplements, and nutrition.

If you read this article and want to try out some of the techniques or are a beginner and are looking for some help getting started in the gym then check out our personal training department here. See you in the Gym!

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